8 advantages of remote work for employees
Technology makes it possible: Thanks to the internet with its ever-evolving Apps, platforms, cloud services, and video calls for groups the dire need for a physical office has been fading in past years. Then the corona pandemic came along and remote work evolved from a funky new work method for digital natives into something for everyone. Reason enough for us to present eight advantages employees enjoy when doing their job remotely.
For some, remote work means finally having the office set-up they need.
1 Save yourself the commute
Some people enjoy getting up earlier to hop on their bikes or into a car or train to get to work. Others don’t, especially if the commute is a lengthy affair that eats up a lot of time on a daily basis. If you belong to the latter group, remote work allows you to start the day more easy-going and most of all: later.
sleep longer
save time on a daily basis
use that time for other things
2 Time & place: Enjoy more flexibility & autonomy
Of course, this depends on the precise setup, but usually, remote workers enjoy greater freedom when it comes to when and where they want to work. In theory, all you need is whatever technological equipment is necessary and a stable internet connection.
In reality, different time zones, meetings, and deadlines give a certain framework to remote jobs also. But you probably have to be very unlucky to be presented with a classic 9 to 5 culture when landing a location-independent position at a fully remote company like Ofri.
own your own schedule
be able to take your job to other places
3 Better health due to better work-life balance
Would you jump into your sweat pants and do some sit-ups and squats in a regular office? Probably not. That’s why many remote workers say it’s actually easier to integrate physical exercise into their workday. Ever dreamt of just being able to take a walk with your dog or finally being able to take that dancing class in the morning?
Well, the usually more flexible framework of remote jobs allows for more movement boosts than a classic day at the office does. Besides that, you don’t have to worry about being overly exposed to sneezing colleagues in flu season anymore.
use breaks to exercise
no exposure to sick colleagues
4 Fewer distractions – higher productivity – more motivation
Ok, admittedly this depends a lot on your personal situation. But if socializing and chatter at the office tend to distract or even annoy you, a remote job might just be your kind of thing.
Whenever you need to focus, you switch your status from “available” to “focus time” and get your hands on that assignment that requires your untethered attention. The side effect of a job not only done well but effectively tends to be a higher level of satisfaction and thus, motivation.
easier to keep socializing to a minimum
get the most out of focus time
boosts for intrinsic motivation
5 More democratic for people with special needs
Not everyone is able to work at just any regular office. Some people are wonderful at what they do but suffer from psychological conditions that make office life unbearable for them. Others need a wheelchair and might be faced with non-accessible work setups again and again. A remote job can be exactly what such employees need to thrive professionally.
office setup doesn’t have to match special needs
shape your workplace as you please
6 Save money
No commute, no eating out, no or less need for business wardrobe: Remote work doesn’t only spare companies the costs of renting an office, employees can save money as well. So, you can finally work in your favorite pair of jeans or pajamas, if you prefer that, all the while enjoying a full salary and the usual benefits. We’re not promoting sloppiness here though: Please do show up to video calls and conferences in adequate attire.
7 Good for Pachamama aka mother Earth
Let’s suppose that not every remote worker needs to get a bigger apartment or house to do their job. Let’s suppose that even if they decide to rent a desk in a coworking space, it most probably will be in rather close proximity to their home. Let’s also suppose that remote work allows people to use their car or other vehicles less. Et voilà – less office space and a decreased carbon emission for transportation will account for a more favorable carbon footprint.
Careful though: The internet is no environmental angel; hence, remote work isn’t either. Just building a computer uses up natural resources, once it’s on the grid, it does use energy, and each email you don’t delete has its own carbon footprint thanks to storing it on a server.
8 Every day is take your pet to workday
Love to snuggle with your cat while crunching numbers or groove with your Cockatoo like Iggy Pop for your coffee break? Always wanted to have a dog but haven’t gotten one because you don’t want the puppy to be alone while you’re at work? Well, your prayers have been heard! Get yourself a remote job and enjoy your pet’s company at work whenever you like!