Global Real Estate Run – Running for a good cause
An office job is an office job – even in a remote setting, movement can come up short. That's why we are always delighted when a good cause takes us out to the racetracks of the world 😬
In October we participated in the Global Real Estate Run. The event is raising awareness about the great importance of achieving climate goals in the real estate industry 🌿 🏬
Since our platform provides many Swiss households with craftsmen in the construction industry 🚧 and for home renovation projects 🛀🏻, we felt obliged to make the problem more heard 💪
The problem: The construction industry – a climate polluter?
The construction and housing industry has not yet received as much attention when it comes to climate change. However, according to the calculations of an architecture professor from the University of Stuttgart, the sector is responsible for no less than 35% of global energy consumption and 50% of global material consumption. It generates half of the waste produced and half of the CO2 emissions (source NZZ ).
As a result, the construction sector has the greatest leverage to tackle marine and landscape litter and, above all, global warming.
How the Global Real Estate Run helps to counteract this problem
Besides raising awareness, the organization team plants 6 trees for every participant. The company works with a qualified international tree-planting organization called Grow My Tree.
They not only plant trees but also provide work in the respective regions and thus additionally counteract deforestation.
The idea for planting trees came up while reading a report from the ETH university of Zurich that claims that around 0.9 billion hectares of land worldwide would be suitable for reforestation, which could ultimately capture two thirds of human-made carbon emissions.
For every runner who completes 6 km, 6 trees will be planted. This year 5 of us had the chance to participate – we leave the mathematics up to you now 😊 . For more details click on the certificate below.
Running as a decentralized team
The run took place all over the world and was tracked with an App provided by Global Real Estate Run. This came in handy for us as a decentralized team: we all had different running tracks as you can see in the map 😊
“It was super fun to go for a run together, even if we weren’t all in the same place. Especially in a remote environment, team-building activities like these are super important to keep the spirit up!”
Here are some impressions from on the road: